The game’s box art

The game’s box art

After playing the whole Game Boy saga and before that playing some ports/remakes, it felt refreshing to go back to playing Mega Man on the NES. As the description mentions, this should be fairly straightforward; there really isn’t much to say about Mega Man 5.

These Mega Man cutscenes keep amusing me

These Mega Man cutscenes keep amusing me

The plot’s main thing this time is that apparently, Proto Man is evil now and has rounded up a bunch of Robot Masters to.. do something. Of course this turns out to be fake, as usual, and Wily returns as the actual villain.

The game’s many robot masters

The game’s many robot masters

The Robot Masters and their weapons this time around were fairly good by Mega Man standards. The level design was good, and playing this game now I strangely recognize bits and pieces that were used in the Game Boy games or also mainly the Game Gear game. Some parts, like Stone Man’s stage, were reused almost as-is in the Game Gear game, so I had some familiarity already. Charge Man had an interesting moving train level!

Charge Man’s interesting train level

Charge Man’s interesting train level

This is standard Mega Man at this point, but I will say 5 doesn’t have any outstanding flaws. I guess it was fairly formulaic at this point, but it’s a good one of those.