The game's title art

The game's title art

Curse of the Necrodancer is that rhythm-based roguelike that plays surprisingly close to an overly simplified Rogue or Nethack but the twist is everything needs to happen on rhythm or you end up in a bad spot. Also there’s digging. That game has always seemed extremely cool to me but everytime I try playing it I fail miserably.

It’s not that I’m just bad at rhythm games, even though I’m not incredible at them. I have bad hand coordination and I get easily overwhelmed, but I can play and I like certain rhythm games. But the combination of Rogue and Rhythm always eludes me and so I find that game incredibly hard to play.

The regular gameplay loop, a bit like Guitar Hero but more stylized

The regular gameplay loop, a bit like Guitar Hero but more stylized

Enter this game, then: Rift of the Necrodancer. It seems to do away with the pretense of being two things; it’s not a dungeon crawler like its predecessor. It looks a bit like Guitar Hero and it’s basically a four button rhythm game. Simple, right? No, not at all.

See what you end up with here is a rhythm game where the things you need to hit are still those dungeon crawling monsters, and they move on the track according to a myriad different rules. And they all have varying ranks and exceptions and more. Much like the original game’s mix of Rogue and Rhythm, it’s a bit too much for me to handle.

There's more gameplay in the form of minigames, but the demo had none

There's more gameplay in the form of minigames, but the demo had none

In the end I think it seemed very well put together and a good game, but it’s just too hard for me. I did the three tutorials and the first song included in the game and thought I was going to be good. But immediately from the second song I got floored. Dang dude.

As of writing (2024-11-09), Rift of the Necrodancer is still only available as a demo.